Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Big 26.

Today I turned 26. I can't believe it. My 20s are almost over.
 Its starting to get weird to shop in the jr section (mostly because it doesn't really fit anymore). Staying up past 10pm is getting harder too. And I now get excited about linen closests and pantries.
I have 4 years till I'm 30. Which means, in 4 years I'd like to have gone to Disney World (I'm not kidding. I will do this before kids!), bought a house and either pregnant or already have my first child.
Four years till I'm 30...

I don't feel like a "young adult" but I definitely don't feel like a real adult yet either!

Anyway... My birthday was fantastic! I was spoiled all day long! Even my hair cooperated today!

 It started off waking up next to my husband and him sleepily saying "happy birthday". My hair was still curly (shocker) after getting it done last night.

My boss  is sweet and brought me a white chocolate mocha from Starbucks!

Then my sweet hubby had flowers delivered to my work! Beautiful red roses!

                              Work bought me lunch and a red velvet cupcake!

John was teasing all week, "are you ready for McDonald's for your birthday date?" and I'd laugh and go a long with it. Tonight, he was taking me to dinner and pulled into McDonald's and unhooked his seat belt and opened the door.  I was laughing and saying " you have got to be joking!" Now I'm no snob but on my birthday date I want to eat somewhere nice! Luckily he was just teasing and took me to my favorite steak house!

I'm blessed with great friends that sent me many birthday texts, facebook posts, tweets and blog posts.
Thank you all!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a wonderful birthday! John is hilarious...such a jokester :)
